NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and the North Atlantic Council visited KFOR July 3 to show continued support to the commander of KFOR, German Army Maj. Gen. Volkauer Halbauer and his troops, as well as NATO's continued commitment to a better future for the region. "This is a time of great opportunity for Kosovo and for this region. I encourage all the leaders and the people from all communities to continue on the path of reconciliation and dialogue," Rasmussen said. "Because we all know that this is the path to long-term security, and long-term prosperity." (Photos by U.S. Army Sgt. Samantha Parks, 4th Public Affairs Detachment)
U.S. Army Maj. Heather Clevenger, the Multinational Battle Group-East Intelligence Of?cer, was presented the Knowlton Award for her exceptional performance in promoting the Military Intelligence branch at a ceremony held on Camp Bondsteel June 27. Clevenger’s former battalion commander, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Kevin A. McAninch, the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion Com mander, had recommended her for the prestigious award and was able to join in the presentation from Afghanistan by video teleconference. Clevenger’s husband, Cliff, was also able to participate in the ceremony by VTC from Fort Bragg, N.C. with the 525th Battle?eld Surveillance Brigade’s rear detachment. The Knowlton Award recognizes individuals who have contributed signi?cantly to the promotion of Army Military Intelligence in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipients, their superiors, subordinates, and peers. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Randy Ready, 4th Public Affairs Detachment)
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