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The Golden Retriever Is The Best Dog for a Family

Are you looking for a dog for your family? Before you choose a dog you need to know what his character is, if the dog has illnesses and you must make a decision calmly, because it is a dog that will live with your family. There is one dog that has very good qualities and that is the Golden Retriever. They very sociable dogs with people, they are loving and they love to be caressed by their owners. The Golden Retriever is the best dog for a family because it’s a dog quiet and very calm, because it’s an intelligent dog and it’s a good dog for children.

The first reason that the Golden Retriever is the best dog for a family is because it’s a dog quiet and very calm. The Golden Retriever is a kind of dog friendly and playful that has made it well loved in families. According to PetMD, owners can find in the Golden Retriever a quiet dog in the house and when going outside it becomes a very playful and fun dog. The golden Retriever is one of the least barking dog breeds and are fairly quiet. This is a quality really appreciated by parents who have very young children in the house and need to sleep. The Golden Retriever has an excellent relation with the children and also they have a very good relation with other dogs, so when they are taking to walk it should not want to fight with another dog. They only are aggressive when their owner is in danger.

The second reason the Golden Retriever is the best dog for a family is because it’s an intelligent dog. The Golden Retriever breed was classified in the fourth place of 131 breeds analyzed in the classification of Stanley Coren on the intelligence of dogs, after the Border collie, Poodle and German shepherd, it’s one of the most intelligent dogs classified according to their capacity of training and obedience to control.

The second reason the Golden Retriever is the best dog for a family is because it’s an intelligent dog. The Golden Retriever breed was classified in the fourth place of 131 breeds analyzed in the classification of Stanley Coren on the intelligence of dogs, after the Border collie, Poodle and German shepherd, it’s one of the most intelligent dogs classified according to their capacity of training and obedience to control. Golden Retriever dogs are characterized by their smell, so it helps to work against drug trafficking. But also, they are used for assisted therapies with children with different abilities. The Golden Retriever is a dog with great initiative and intelligence that can help the blind people. They are also requested as hunting dog, rescue dogs, for rehabilitation, special children’s helps, firefighters and lifeguards.

The final reason Golden Retriever is the best dog for a family is because it’s a good dog for children. Some breeds produce too much saliva and that ends up messing everything up. The Golden Retriever does not produce too much saliva so you should not worry about the children being filled with dog drool. The Golden Retrievers are dogs that are well balanced. If the Golden Retriever knows who the leader of the pack and know its limits, there will be no danger to children. This dog is very patient and empathetic with the little ones. They are always playing and they like to learn, just like children. The Golden Retriever are dogs that do not lose too much hair so it will not require much maintenance. Just give it a good brushing to make it well clean and neat, the children can get involved in that task.