[GTR] 9•10-2017 | Page 56

we did to better accommodate our clients. Presently we have a very good selection of high end cameras, lenses, lighting and equipment to [GTR] What tips do you have for home make very high-quality videos in house. We can recording enthusiasts for track prep and so on also live stream, and change the space in many when incorporating a large studio like yours into different ways to shoot unique looking music their production process? videos. We work with our clients very closely to determine what can be done within their [John] We live in a Pro Tools world, so budget and also what will have the most impact making sure that tracks can be easily imported for their specific project. The results have been onto that platform is essential. We spend a Site Lines from ISO Booth amazing, and every shoot gets better. lot of time helping clients prep for sessions, [John] Video didn’t factor in until the very and encourage them to book a few hours in end of the buildout. There was a last-minute Studio B to sort out a project if it seems like a decision made to install a lighting grid into the complicated integration. We accept all relevant studio, and to include some fiber optic cables formats digital and analog, and we are a lot into the mic panels for video. It still took years to more concerned with what’s on the tracks build up the resources and expertise to shoot vs. what format they are in. Great songs and great videos in the space. We experimented amazing music can be recorded on an iPhone with many combinations of cameras, positions, or it can be recorded on a $25K Pro Tools and lighting arrangements. We also spent a lot system. We don’t judge. Our goal is always of time working in different ways to determine [GTR] Your offerings also include mastering to serve the music first and to pay attention what could be done to get the best results for as well as DSLR and lighting package rentals. to the artist’s intention. We know our place the least amount of time and money. How important have these revenue streams can be intimidating to a first-time client, so we Roswell Pro Audio Mic Demo been in terms of your bottom line, as well as do as much as we can to make people feel [GTR] Mason from Vertex Effects has also comfortable, including engineers and artists. shot a number of videos there. How much did No project is too small, and almost everyone video factor into your original business plan? attracting new customers? [John] I continually try to offer more services can usually benefit from some way by coming to both boost our bottom line and to help our to us. We do everything from pre-production clients. The more we can do in house the better. to mastering, and every member of my staff is That being said, we also encourage our clients capable of making the entire record – or making to ultimately do what’s best for their project. the coffee. We have no ego about our roles If we feel like we can connect a client with an here. We treat everyone with respect no matter engineer or director that will better serve their what level they are at in the business. That is project, we suggest it. Every service we offer what we are all about. has been thoroughly developed before I charge Vertex Boost Demo with Robben Ford [GTR] The facility has great site lines as you [John] We took a lot of cues from watching work, which is a big part of why I used it to other video crews who came through the stream the Ultimate Speaker Demo and to building. We have hosted a music series shoot the Roswell Pro Audio Delphos mic sponsored by Pandora Radio, as well as video. commercials for The Ford Motor Company. 56 Sep  Oct 2017 GearTechRec.com a client. If you come to shoot a video, you will get an amazing video for a great price. If you make your record here you will get a top shelf product and experience. We spend the time making sure that every service we offer is first rate. We stand behind everything we do 100%.