Life Magnetic
interview by Doug Doppler
There is a genuine camaraderie between the on to play in bands as diverse as Counting I got there early, traversed my way to a loft-like
musicians and bands from the San Francisco Crows, Third Eye Blind, T-Ride, Exodus, and crows’ nest that they called the dressing room,
Bay Area that is truly unique. Regardless Metallica. Which gets us to the beginning of this and started to warm up. As I was furiously
of what city you came from, or what style of wondrous story. running my scales, the guitarist to the left of me
music you played, you were part of something
looked over and asked, “Where did you learn
bigger, and that something I refer to as the “Bay On February 20th, 1983, I got invited to be part to do that?” and I replied, “Joe Satriani, let me
Area Brotherhood”. Back in the 80’s, it seemed of “The Amazing Guitar Death Show” at the give you his number”. I jotted down the number
like everyone was studying with a local guitar famed Mabuhay Gardens aka the Fab Mab. The on the piece of paper and continued to warm
teacher named Joe Satriani, and the diverse plan was that at the end of their set, Thaen and up and chat with my new guitar buddy, Kirk.
musical scene gave Joe’s students the freedom Doug from Anvil Chorus would hand off their When Exodus hit the stage I was totally blown
to find their own voice. It is from this lens one cables to two lines of guitarists, all waiting to away both by the intensity of the band – and by
can understand how Joe’s students went show off how well they could finesse the frets. Kirk. Flying V, cranked Marshall, leather jacket,
Sep Oct 2017