[ TASCAM TRACK FACTORY | Michael Hodge ]
the US-2X2, there was no noticeable latency,
and programming some grooves with Addictive
• Complete Recording Package
Drums is fun and sounds amazing. SONAR
• TASCAM US-2x2 Interface
comes with 56 EFX Plug-ins and 5 Analog style
• Ultra-HDDA Microphone Preamps
Pro Channel strip plug-ins. There are 19 virtual
• Intel “NUC” Core i5 Computer
instruments, and unlimited track recording. Also
• SONAR Pro with Melodyne
bundled is Celemony Melodyne Pitch correction,
TASCAM products have long been a go-to for and Addictive Drums 2 Solo Edition. SONAR Pro
home recording enthusiasts. On the Pro side, is set to compete with Logic, Cubase, Ableton,
DA-88’s were one of the most popular digital etc. and holds its own. I’m a fan of Melodyne
recorders of the 90’s. Portastudios are still out software. The NUC comes with 8 GB RAM, 3 and Addictive Drums too. For guitar guys, there
there and going strong. TASCAM’s new Track GB cache, a 256 GB SSD, three USB 3.0 ports are features like 16 drag and drop Guitar amp
Factory is a modern take on Portastudio style for keyboard, mouse, and External hard drive, simulations. If space permitted, I could go deep
home recording. It comes with its own computer, Mini Display 1.2 port, Mini HDMI 1.4a port, an into SONAR. I’m very impressed by it.
2 Channel Interface, Mic, Headphones, and Pro Ethernet port, and built in Wi-Fi.
software, all in one neat complete package.
TASCAM has joined with several companies to The TASCAM US-2X2 is a nice, compact TASCAM Track Factory is really cool and a solid
create a nice solution for home recording. interface that can record 24 bit with up to platform to build a studio. Whether you’re an
96kHz/24-bit resolution. On front are: 2 combo up and coming artist, writer, or producer, you
OUT OF THE BOX: ¼” / XLR inputs with gain controls, 48v Phantom can’t go wrong. The included Mic sounds nice
Opening this package feels like Christmas. switch, Signal input indicator, and Mic/Line on acoustic and voice. You can always upgrade
There are individual boxes for each component, switch. The Mic preamps feature Ultra-HDDA those things as you grow. The TASCAM US-
including the TASCAM US-2X2 Interface, Intel (High Definition Discrete Architecture) preamps 2X2 has a lot to offer in a small space. When
NUC mini computer, Headphones, Mic with with pristine NE5532 Op-amps for Input and I’m looking at stuff that really matters, like the
a desk stand, Mouse, Keyboard, and cables. Output Stages. There are also volume pots for Mic pre’s and A/D Converters, they’re solid with
The only thing you need is a display monitor monitor balance, Line level out, and Headphone plenty of headroom, and there are MIDI Jacks
and ideally, some monitor speakers. Note: at jack volume. On back are two balanced Line Out for external controllers. The SONARDAW is
the time I received this unit there was not an jacks, Midi in/out, USB jack, and a 5v Power jack. fantastic and working hard to become a big
HDMI Mini adaptor included. I ordered one from
player in the DAW scene. I wasn’t expecting
Amazon, and then realized you can also use an The included TH-02 Headphones are over ear, such high-end pro Plug-ins and Instruments that
Apple Thunderbolt to HDMI adaptor. Fortunately, and not a bad choice as an entry-level set. The come with it. SONAR also has monthly updates,
I had one. I then watched the TASCAM Video TM-80 Mic is a Phantom powered medium size and a set of presets and FX chains by legend
where the cute girl (Country Artist Jessica Lynn) cardioid condenser, featuring an 18mm pure Craig Anderton. There’s also VST3, and Touch
set it all up pretty quickly. That’s Girl power! It aluminum diaphragm. screen support. Lastly, the Intel NUC worked
took me less than an hour to set it all up from
like a charm. Everything was snappy and solid.
box opening. The good news is the Sonar Pro IN USE: I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Track
software has already been Pre-loaded into the After setting up, I was impressed at how together Factory to anyone looking into making demos
computer and optimized for the TASCAM US- this system is right out of the box. The computer and building a studio.
2X2 interface. It’s really a no brainer. This is a fully has been optimized by PC Audio Labs, known baked, turnkey solution! for building high-end studio systems. I was up
MSRP $1,499.99
and running right away, and though I’ve not used Street $1,299.00
GOING DEEPER: SONAR Pro before, it’s very user friendly. Don’t
The Track Factory is built around an Intel underestimate SONAR; it’s a real Pro DAW for “NUC” core i5 computer with Windows 10 and making records, or even scoring. While using Cakewalk SONAR Professional DAW recording headphones and recording acoustically with
Sep Oct 2017
Michael Hodge: Producer, writer, studio musician,
and staff guitarist at Lakewood Church, Houston TX.
Owner, Gman Productions film music.