1. Kabir Ahmed and Anush Boopathi throw a scarf up and down in Ms. Kim’s music class. The scarf came in a variety of colors and made students move around actively.
2. Nathan Baek and Chloe Suh read the book, “Peach Heaven” written by Yangsook Choi. During her visit to GSIS, she talked to students about her book, and played vari-
ous activities. Nathan and Chloe enjoyed making their own book the most because they liked to draw in their own pictures. 3. Alex Shmidt helps Oscar Freeman with his
summative in PE class. The point of the summative was to increase the heart rate of the kindergarten students. Oscar had to crawl under the hurdles as Alex held the hurdle
to stabilize it. 4. Shresta Kavuri plays the xylophone as Ikkei Fajikawa, Iko Kojima, Leo Cheon, Cindy Xu, and Kayoung Choi play Bingo behind Sresha. They were in Ms. Kim’s
music class. Students enjoyed both playing Bingo and the xylophone as everyone had the chance to do both. 5. Bena Nakhontum and Hannah Joyner push each other
outwards in PE class. They held hands to pull on each other but used their feet to push each other outwards. 6. Tristan George and Nazarii Karpinskyi talk to guest author,
Yangsook Choi. They took notes as Yangsook Choi explained the components of a good book. 7. Eliza Yoo, June Francois, Atticus Pownall, and Emmanuel Laroche hit a big
African drum together. They made loud and soft sounds and changed to different tempos. They did not like to hear loud noises but enjoyed playing the drum in music class.
8. Brian Youn reads a comic book to Geonu Kang. Hyung Jun helped Geonu understand the comic book as it was a bit difficult to understand for Geonu. Geonu did not finish
the whole book so he brought it home to finish reading by himself.