Treat Everyone Equally Be Friends with Everyone
Say Kind words Compliment everyone
Help and forgive others Be respectful and Responsible
Always have the tent open
Treat Everyone Equally Be Friends with Everyone
Say Kind words Compliment everyone
Help and forgive others Be respectful and Responsible
Listen to Others
Act Mature
No shoes in the tent
Stay Focused
Care for others
Don ' t be bossy
Don ' t eat in the tent
Resolve conflict
Don ' t destroy the tent or pin things to it
Always have the tent open
Only good words said
in classStay
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1 . Jiwoo Kwak analyzes a sentence to gain a better understanding of the UOI ( Unit of Inquiry ) Transdisciplinary Theme . 2 . Bowen Song stands in front of his classmates and reads a children ' s book : ' What does Peace feel like ' by Vladimir Radusky . The students ’ task was to investigate war and peace . The team observed " some wars end peacefully but then some don ' t always end well ." 3 . Shravya Etlam , Ivy Kim and Eunyu Oh prepare for the yearly Fifth Grade Exhibition . 4 . Clare Son listens to music as she composes a song about her central belief system . Students investigated their values , traditions , and cultures for this unit . They also considered if they were capable of relating to and respecting cultures different than their own . 5 . Andy Umeda enthusiastically engages with Mr . Ross as they discuss Andy ' s writing prompt response . The students were asked to answer a series of questions about a photograph . Andy wrote " he thinks the picture shows beliefs because the prompt has a message for God ."
6 . Angela Shim , Tristan George , Rishy Rajkumar and Yuto Yoshimura were given several poems and were
asked to categorize them according to their similarities . The students then video recorded themselves , explaining why they made those decision . 7 . Kentaro Ikeda presents his slam poem to his fifth grade
class . The students learned about different types of poems and eventually learned how to create them .
8 . Kriya Handra and Brian Jeen review their virtual museum and script before they begin to present
to guests . They filled their virtual museum , made from Google Slides , with various rooms that cover Ancient Japan ' s inventions , accomplishments , and resources .
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