GSIS 2017 Yearbook: #BeYou Volume 11 | Page 163

2 1 3 Name:_____________________ 4 5 I joined the ___________ club, and became 0 0 More Knowledgeable A Better Thinker 0 6 7 An Inquirer 0 More Communicative 0 More Principled More Open-minded 0 0 More Caring 0 More of a Risk-taker 1. Julia Zho tap 8 0 More Balanced 0 More Reflective dances with the guest dance instructor. 0 More Inquisitive 9 She was practicing the basic steps of tap dancing, such as shuffle, flap, and kick ball change. 2. Mesa Ogi and Sakuya Iso collect sewing pat- terns from the class box and sit on the couch to sew out miniature household items such as aprons, and food. They enjoyed chatting with one another as much as they enjoyed sewing. 3. Li Feng plays a championship chess game in chess club. Chess club had a KAIAC tournament on February 18. 4. Brian Jeen and Gaurav Sharma play chess together. They got ready for their big KAIAC tournament. 5. Juna Ariyoshi dances to a song called “Cheer up” by Twice. The dance club had been practicing to this song for the past few weeks by watching the YouTube video. They laughed and had so much fun as a group, but were shy when it came to performing in front of other people. 6. Anna Sanjeev works towards completing her fan. She had to first cut out the two equal sides, place stuffing in the center and sew the fan shut. Afterwards she was able to select another pattern from the sewing box in Mrs. Howell’s room. 7. Ethan An plays chess with his friend. He waits for his opponent to make his next move. 8. Kai Ying Siew writes a self introduction in Mandarin club and then joins the rest of the students to create origami. The instructional was in Mandarin, so they had to first translate the handout in order to complete the origami. 9. Jungmin Park makes his next move during a chess club meeting. He was excited for his match in the KAIAC tournament. 163