GSIS 10 Year Anniversary Yearbook: Memories | Page 34
Katie Bae, Sakuya Iso, Mikayla Williams,
Joshua Jung, Hiromichi Koyama, Caleigh Gugol,
Darlene Kim, Sameeksha Vashishtha, and Noa
Iizuka sing during chapel. In attempt to make
their voices “shout” louder to the Lord, they
cupped their hands together.
Our spiritual TENacity
Lessons Learned from the Prodigal Son
Presented with the heartbreaking story of the prodigal son in chapel, elementary students learned the importance of forgiving one another, working
hard, and appreciating what has been given to them.
Fourth grader Joshua Laroche said, “It’s important to forgive be-
cause if you don’t forgive people they are going to have sin in
their heart.”
Some other students suggested that forgiveness is important for loving
and learning about mistakes. Third grader Jake Jang said his mother forgave
him even though he broke her dish.
Fourth grader Kevin Bae added that he didn’t behave well in school one
time but his parents still forgave him because he promised to listen to the
teacher from that day on.
Anant Agarwal, a third grader, said she was forgiven by her mother when
Chapel and Praise Team
she touched her painting.
Another lesson learned from the story was the importance of and reason
for working hard. Most of the students commented that if they spent all of their
money like the character in the story, their father would get mad at them and
they would work hard for their parents, who did everything for them.
However, third-grader Sameeksha Vashishtha had a different opinion.
She said, “My father would feel happy thinking that I spent it for
poor people.”
Additionally, some other students said they would work hard for their
families to earn the money back.
The story of the prodigal son sent a message about how it is important to
be thankful for what one has. It also showed the students how they should be
thankful towards their parents who take care of them. Lastly, students learned
that God loves all of them and forgives them despite their mistakes.
A popular
worship song
‘My God is so Big!’
The song started off with
students flexing their muscles
as they sang the lyrics:
“My God is so Big!
So strong and so mighty.
There’s nothing my God
cannot do.”
Elementary has had
the pleasure of experiencing many different Student Life
Ministers including: Mrs. Choe, Mrs.
Ward, Mr. Rains, and now, Mr. Lee. In 2011,
Mrs. Ward taught elementary about being a hero.
She explained that a hero is helpful, hospitable, and
willing to take risks. Students learned about Bible
Heros like Joel, Nathan, and Rahab.
Team and
Praise Band
are two important
components of elementary chapel. In 2015, the
supervisors were Mrs.
Kilgore and Mr. Gilhuis.
In 2015, over 30 students
were involved in these
Many activities took
place in 2014’s chapels
including Awards Ceremonies,
Chapel Guest Speakers, Themed Chapels, Student-led Chapels, Culture Days, VASE
prayer and fundrasing, Praise and Worship, and
Bible Teaching.
34 Elementary
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