GSCM 588 MENTOR Let's Do This / GSCM 588 MENTOR Let's Do This / | Page 5

quality levels , high cost of quality , poor product or service design , high levels of internal or external failures , and so on . Feel free to add to this list if you need to .
You are taking on the role as a quality management consultant and the executives of your chosen organization have asked you to submit a recommended direction to implement a quality management initiative to address the quality management related problem ( s ) you identified above ( e . g ., Six Sigma , lean principles , TQM , SPC , balanced scorecard , etc .).
You also need to identify which of the course TCOs and specific topics in the Syllabus are related to the problem you identify .
Research Sources
All papers must have a minimum of eight scholarly sources ( other than textbook ) cited within the text of the paper and identified in the References section .
Additional research sources can be attached in an appendix .
All sources must be in two place : They need to be identified in the References section and must also have a corresponding citation in the body of the paper .
To access and use EBSCOhost for your research , use this link : Paper Format
All papers should be single sided , doublespaced , and written in12- point Times New Roman font .
The paper should be between 10 and 12 pages , excludingthe cover page , reference pages , and appendices .