Grubs Mag Chef Fregz Branding [compressed] | Page 19

T Y P O G R A P H Y Primary Font - Futura LT Paragraph style Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff 1234567890 $ ! @ Aa Heading, Logo style NarzissTextMedium should be mostly used for heading text in design collaterals such as stationeries, prints and promotions. TEMPLATE HEADING TWO-LEVEL TEMPLATE HEADING Secondary Font - NarzissTextMedium Heading, Logo style Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll 12 34 56 78 90 $ ! Aa Paragraph style Heading style Futura LT is the primary typeface for the Chef Fregz brand because it is clear, easy to read, connotes professionalism and feels approachable; which is core to the Chef Fregz brand positioning. When using NarzissTextMedium for the heading text, the text must be in all caps. For the few times when the primary font (Futura LT) is used for the heading text, it should be in bold and in title case. Futura LT should be used for ALL paragraph text in design collaterals such as stationeries, prints and promotions. The Futura LT font can be used for subheadings that come midway in paragraphs while the NarzissTextMedium font must always be used for initial heading texts.