Grubs Mag Chef Fregz Branding [compressed] | Page 15

B R A N D A R C H I T E C T U R E BRAND + NAME HERE E X A M P L E : = FREGZ Á PORTER We have gone with a monolithic brand architecture system, thereby maintaining the consistency and visual language of the Chef Fregz parent brand. Sub brand logos can be created by adding the brand name (in NarzissTextMedium font, all CAPS) in a max of two lines to the plate illustration from the Chef Fregz logo. This should be used for sub brands like Fregz Á Porter and Iya Fregz, alongside all other future sub brands. This maintains the overall image of the Chef Fregz brand, but yet shows a difference. This must be done by the assistance of a professional designer. BRAND NAME HERE