You can learn more about Anti
Kraak here (you may select
“translate” from the Dutch language page)
It keeps you moving. Multi-Syndicate has moved their
doors many times in the last
few years. Now imagine doing
that by bicycle and tram. Dedication....characte r building and
inspiring. Fuel for the tank, as
you may detect through the
intensity and vibrance of some
of their works featured here.
Like we said these guys (and
gals!) are all about living it, and
in doing so preserve and pass
along the torch that helped to
start the scene we see today as
it relates to street art and “graffiti”.
The style is deeply rooted in
foundational hip-hop culture,
“breaks” n such-savvy? If you
dig hip hop, you know the colorful, playful and poetic flow
that tip toes with grace through
the broken shards of razor
sharp landscape it stemmed
from, you can “see the music”
here, and maybe even hear
it looking back through the
looking glass, from the other
When we spoke to Amy she
also confessed,
“I love hip hop, but reggae is
my mistress”
Duly noted, as it influences her
own works in the collection
And not surprisingly, there is
a strong love of hydro in this
community, as Amy of Multi-Syndicate Amsterdam highlighted, especially amongst
current generation.
space to do it will be displaced
by such developments.
What is preserved is a culture
steeped in the ability to adapt,
live in and beautify just about
any modern living environment
by something that is cultivated
from within through experiences and thought-with simple
materials like spray bombs on
a scale and in a form that will
stop you dead in your tracks.
But, while maintaining roots
it’s equally important to have
directions to grow in, and Multi
-Syndicate is doing exactly that
Makes sense to use here-the through art exhibits, like the
ability to create and nurture one coming up this Summer
something full of life in an 2014, their second to be held
environment that would typ- at the famous De Slang (Dutch
ically be inhospitable to such for “The Snake”).
Countless passersby to their
an addition without some love
works will continue to enjoy, if
and dedication.
De Slang, a colorful yellow only for a brief frozen moment,
building in Amsterdam that an explosion of colour and
We talked about the impor- has been held legally for nearly thought in what may otherwise
tance of preserving “original thirty years by squatters. For may just be a fast moving landseeds” early in this article, North American readers, this scape in 256 shades of grey.
and the enactment of Project may sound surprising-but it’s Preserve a piece of culture1012 in Amsterdam and how a different approach (or was) support your local arts. Mulit relates to the ability of this when it comes to housing and ti-Syndicate, Amsterdam...and
creative group is an example of people in parts of Europe.
how that is so important.
For more information on the The dates for the upcoming
Project 1012 is one of many of upcoming Nothing to Lose Nothing to Lose show are:
it’s kind that sweeps through Project and Expo and some
larger metropolitan cities that cool insights into an enduring Opening 27th June 17:00 have a healthy value in growth, group of modern artists, check Until 2nd July.
economy and of course, real out Multi-Synidcate’s site here:
Multi-Syndicates site here:
Also Live Painting and Art
In simple terms it means that
areas get “sanitized”, ie, out You can also stay connected De Slang
with the old, in with the new. and see some mind blowing Spuistraat 199, Amsterdam
Why keep around old historic works via their FaceBook page “We will also be painting live
sites that don’t make any at:
outside the Homegrown Fanmoney and are considered
tasy Coffeeshop on Sunday,
“unsightly” when you can the 29th of June, 2014’
repave the landscape with MultiSyndicate
shiny new and handsomely
For Online Multi-Syndicate
priced compartments for waitSales:
ing buyers or leasers. Face it, What the members of Mulin busy growing cities there ti-Syndicate
is often nowhere to go-so it’s and inspired collaboratively about-us/shop/
sometime directly over top of is set to seed new journeys
what may have already been and experiences as individual
group members return to their
home countries like the U.K. or
That means that colorful murals Switzerland or continue abroad
like the ones Multi-Syndicate in the circles and communities
helps to create, and having an shared by the group.
affordable studio and living