Grozine Cultivation Tech & Lifestyles Mag Issue 12 | Page 14

CONT.’D riding the subways and wandering the streets of North American cities-but, THIS...this was different somehow. It really POPPED! The walls along the tracks were colorful living murals with some of the most imaginative, original and inventive scenes and characters this side of standing outside of someone’s head with a serious penchant for seeing the world from a perspective of living and moving color and sound. That was my first real appreciation of how powerful some of this style of art can be, and it got me thinking into the dedication that goes into it...what made it really interesting for me too was seeing some of the parallels shared in the culture of “street art” and those gardeners in the world of “hydro” in contrast to conventional gardening or agriculture. Both have been considered at times by popular culture to be in light of “underground” or even “subversive” in extreme examples, and yet, continue to grow and at this time even flourish as an accepted and often admired part of modern culture and society. A very strong parallel is the fondness, dedication and the “live it an love it” attitude that a lot of creative people share in these and other traditionally less walked paths of expression. However, popular culture has found it difficult to ignore the appeal of both hydroponics and street art and has made them household terms in recent years. Take for example household names like Mark Ecko, the “Obey” guy, and thanks to plenty of TV shows, commercials and even Hollywood movie placements, there are hydroponics companies and concepts that share a similar level of acceptance and popularity. All of this means change-and in a changing world. To preserve some “original seeds” as street art has established roots across the globe, Grozine was lucky to track down and speak at length with Amy of Multi-Syndicate Amsterdam. Amy, who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know through the international hydroponics industry is part of a group of international artists working together under the banner of Multi-Syndicate. The background of the fellowship spans the world, and has been working collectively out of Amsterdam in the Netherlands for several years. 14