Growth opportunities abound in Asia SDP 1123 | Page 2

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Today the trust has substantial overweight positions to both financials and technology . The thinking behind these positions is slightly different . With regard to financials , the managers believe that the well-capitalised firms they have exposure to benefit from higher interest rates , as well as increasing penetration of financial services in some markets , such as India or Indonesia . Of particular note here is an overweight position to companies in Singapore , which also provide indirect exposure to the ASEAN region .
Technology is a different story , with the managers believing that holdings , such as the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company ( TSMC ), are well-placed for long-term growth . They are also leaders in their fields globally .
It is also worth noting that bracketing holdings into the ‘ technology ’ category can obfuscate the level of diversification that exists among companies in the sector . For example , Indian firms are often more focused on software and outsourcing services , whereas Taiwanese and Korean companies are more skewed towards semiconductors and other hardware , like smartphones or household appliances .
India is also a country that SDP is now almost flat on relative to the benchmark . The managers benefitted from positions in domesticallyoriented companies listed in the country , but cut back those positions in early 2023 to take profits when valuations became inflated .
That also reflects the fact that Richard and Abbas are valuation-conscious , even if they are investing in companies that have greater growth potential . It ’ s an approach that has worked over the long-term as well , with the trust delivering substantial outperformance over the past decade .
Despite this , the trust was trading at a 13.3 % discount to NAV as at 13 / 10 / 2023 . Chaotic though it may be along the way , it is hard to see the Asian growth story disappearing any time soon and so , assuming long-term
performance continues to be strong moving forward , then we may see a tightening of that discount as a result .
At their last update , our analysts said : “ The trust is trading at a discount that is significantly wider than its five-year average which may prove an attractive entry point for investors . In our view , a peaking of US rates and a subsequent softening of the dollar would be supportive of the growth prospects of the region and could support the narrowing of the discount .”
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