Table 8: Suggested Actions: Quality Assurance (no ranking of responses)
QA programs for
Quality Assurance
College of Veterinarians of Ontario
annual review of antibiotic use
audited by independent third party
compliance required for antibiotic use
require drug logs
include incentives and penalties
improved surveillance on prescriptions and
antibiotic use
regulation and review of antibiotic use on farms
mandatory ongoing education is a component of
mandatory Livestock Medicines Courses to
purchase antibiotics, include industry personnel in
veterinarians have a “train the trainer” role
voluntary reduction in antibiotic use by producers
encourage buy-in and engagement
educate on identifying sick animals early,
decrease mass treatment with antibiotics, improve
responses to first treatment, assure informed
use, reasons for extra label drug use, value of
prescription only antibiotics, drug choices and
rationale, consequences of misuse, record
institute financial penalties for producers for high
antibiotic use
include incentives with a substantial premium for
participation in QA
conduct pilot project, evaluate compliance and
ensure program is credible and practical
require up-to-date records
include over-riding principles and specific uses in
protocols and SOPs
SOPs for all common conditions and vaccination
protocols written by veterinarians - include
decision trees, flow charts to aid in prevention,
diagnosis and treatment
monitor protocols are being followed
need investment of resources to develop SOPs
develop farm specific SOPs in consultation with
standardize protocol requirements across the
livestock sectors