Growing Forward 2 - Final Report Project II | Page 42

PHASE B: STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION The final step of the CVO Project II involved the solicitation of feedback on Draft Tactics for Priority Initiatives – for Stakeholder Consultation. Stakeholder Consultation Methods The final step of the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO) Project II involved the solicitation of feedback on Draft Tactics for Priority Initiatives – for Stakeholder Consultation. Receiving and assimilating feedback is a very important element of this work, to maximize the value of the project, and to inform further efforts in this area. A full written report, Feedback on Draft Tactics to Implement the Six Priority Initiatives Identified by Ontario Food- Producing Animal Veterinarians to Minimize the Development of Antibiotic Resistance: Stakeholder Consultation Survey Report can be found at This consultative portion of the Project involved circulation of the Draft Tactics for Priority Initiatives - for Stakeholder Consultation via an electronic Survey in May 2017. The email inviting review and comment was sent to the same groups and individuals as were invited to the Multi-Stakeholder Forum. This list comprised a broad range of stakeholders, including all Ontario food-producing animal veterinarians, as well as those groups listed in Table 15. Additionally, individuals who attended the Multi-Stakeholder Forum were included in the survey recipient list. Table 15: List of Groups invited to comment on the Draft Tactics for Priority Initiatives - for Stakeholder Consultation Beef Farmers of Ontario Canadian Animal Health Institute Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Chicken Farmers of Ontario CVO Project Advisory Group Dairy Farmers of Ontario Egg Farmers of Ontario Farm and Food Care Ontario Fishery Enhancement and Aquaculture Association Health Canada Ontario Agri Business Association OAHN OABP OAPV OASV The email inviting comment was initially sent on May 17, 2017, and a reminder message was sent on June 2, 2017. A total of 726 emails were sent each time. The survey was created using Survey MonkeyTM. Respondents were provided with the Draft Tactics for Priority Initiatives - for Stakeholder Consultation. Questions were framed as statements, followed by a Likert scale response format. Respondents were requested to indicate whether they “strongly agreed”, “agreed”, “neither agreed nor disagreed”, “disagreed”, or “strongly disagreed” with the following statements with respect to the draft tactics for each of the six Priority Initiatives: 1. The draft tactics are realistic. 2. The draft tactics are complete. 3. All of the draft tactics are relevant. 4. The draft tactics will make a positive change to the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals. Respondents were also asked to indicate whether they “strongly agreed”, “agreed”, “neither agreed nor disagreed”, “disagreed”, College of Veterinarians of Ontario  Ontario Beekeepers Association Ontario Commercial Fisheries Association Ontario Goat Ontario Livestock Alliance OLPC OMAFRA Ontario Pork Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency OVC, Office of the Dean OVMA Poultry Industry Council PHAC Small Ruminant Veterinarians of Ontario Turkey Farmers of Ontario Veal Farmers of Ontario or “strongly disagreed” with the following general statements: In general, I am supportive of the Initiatives and Draft Tactics I believe that the Initiatives and Draft Tactics will have a positive impact on the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals in Ontario. All data were transferred from Survey MonkeyTM to Microsoft Excel©, where the data were cleaned and coded for analysis. All respondent answers were descriptively analyzed using frequency counts. For all categorical survey questions employing Likert scales, the two positive responses, “strongly agree” and “agree” and the two negative responses, “disagree” and “strongly disagree”, were collapsed to generate one positive variable and one negative variable. Consultation respondents were categorized according to their species affiliation, and their role with food-producing animals in Ontario (veterinarian, producer, provincial government, federal government, pharmaceutical industry, academia, producer commodity group or “other”). 42