Grow Taller 4 Idiots PDF / eBook Exercise Free Download Full Version Darwin Smith | Page 9

Growth Process Everyone grows and nobody can prevent the growth process, it’s just a natural part of our lives. Of course, while we all grow, some of us grow quicker than others. This is because not everyone hits their growth spurt at the same time. It can happen in short bursts or it can happen all at once. If there is a delay in growing when it comes to children, however, they should be seen by a doctor to make sure there aren’t any problems. Some children experience growth defects and you want to make sure this is something you can still completely rule out by visiting your doctor. Did you know that there are 300 bones in your body when you are first born? Did you also know that there are only 206 bones by the time we reach adulthood? Why does this happen? Mainly because our bones are basically cartilage when we’re babies which is why baby’s bones are so much more susceptible to break with light impact. As we get older our bones go through what is called ‘ossification’ where the cartilage turns solid. Eventually all of the smaller bones will unite and then be one large bone therefore reducing the total number of bones in our body. 10