Group of Women Parliamentarians ENG (website) | Page 55

Report on the Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians


The 2014 Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians was an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments towards the realization of gender equality, to assess the most pressing gaps in progress, and to set the path for moving forward collectively. Legislators came together across party lines and from 25 countries of the hemisphere to brainstorm on these issues, all of which transcend national boundaries and respond to pressing needs for a more prosperous future for all citizens of the Americas.

In her closing remarks, Martha González Dávila, Vice-President of the Group, said that during the Gathering, delegates learned about the laws and constitutional reforms in the region that establish gender quotas of 30, 40, and even 50%. However, it remains to be seen whether the political will exists to make sure these are effectively implemented. She also said that one of the psychological obstacles discussed during the Gathering especially spoke to her – that of fear. In Nicaragua, though there are very high numbers of women ministers, directors, and other public officials, this has not been achieved without difficulty. Women must overcome the fear of speaking out, putting forward proposals, and defending their positions to build influence in their parties.

Next, Speaker Simons reflected on the important, practical work completed over the last two days. She reminded the delegates that we do not need more women to assume political leadership in order to continue down the path on which we are currently travelling. We need them to remedy and improve our global systems, which are not functioning as evidenced by grave problems such as climate change and the value placed on profits above human beings. She stressed that we will not overcome the barriers to equality without the participation of men.