Group of Women Parliamentarians ENG (website) | Page 18

Moving from Formal to Substantive Equality

Special Comprehensive Law for a Life Free from Violence for Women in 2010. A third important initiative led by the women’s group impacts the internal structure of political parties; the Law on Political Parties, passed in 2013, establishes a minimum 30% quota for candidate lists for the legislature, as well as other bodies like the Central American Parliament, municipalities, and boards.

The Women’s Parliamentary Group has also worked with the finance and budget commission, which is led by a woman. Ms. Escobar commented,

Believe me, it helps a lot when women

preside over the finance commission.



Women’s Parliamentary Group (WPG)

As part of the inclusion paradigm, the Legislative Assembly Internal Regulations are amended, of which Section 34-A, subsection 5 reads:

The purpose of the Women’s Parliamentary Group shall be to promote legislative initiatives that favour women through a consensus agenda, as well as to oversee the enforcement of the gender equality policy in the legislative role, and the plan of action therein, with the technical support of the Gender Unit.

Women’s Parliamentary Group (WPG), Legislative Assembly of El Salvador (2012-2015) - Photo courtesy of the WPG