Group B SYNC'd #1 | Page 22



Words Agathe Ravenel

Music , Sound , Marketing and Communication ; are they as and vital for each other ’ s as we think when used in atypical

I had the opportunity to meet with Antoine Bertin , a French sound engineer , working , among others , in Brussel , London and Paris . At only 33 years old , he already possesses three different masters . One in physics , one in sound engineering and the last one in sound arts . We took time to discuss together his projects , how he was promoting them and the importance of it for his work .
So , Mr Bertin , could you tell me on what type of project you are working on ?
Well , I am designing audio experiences , in the context of arts and research , or for clients as part of commercial projects . My field of work is quite wide .
Would you say that it is it useful for you to promote this diversified work ?
Yes . Yes , absolutely , it is very important ! Working in the creative industry and technological innovation means that along with each project needs to be engineered its own economy .
How is it useful for you regarding your audience ? And why is it important to reach it ?
So , as I said , with my project I need to create an economy around it . It is , then , useful to build a core audience that can follow your research and help you reach new opportunities . It is important for new projects to reach audiences to expand the horizon of future endeavours . An artistic project in the field of media art and experience design essentially comes to create a new company with a new business plan at each project .
Which tools are you using to reach your goals ? And what do they bring to your communication ?
I am mostly using three different social media ; Facebook , Twitter and Instagram . Facebook is useful to hear of events ( e . g . exhibitions ) Twitter , even though was a very dynamic tool , feels like it ’ s slowly disappearing and that , to the benefit of Instagram , which offer much better curation of material functions on top of social networking .
In your point of view , how do those tools improve your visibility ?
As a matter of fact , they are not so much an opportunity for visibility than a chance to get ideas , feedbacks and new contacts from friends .
What tactics are you developing to promote your visibility then ?
I use mostly videos , photos , texts and sounds through those social media .
How do you know your communication method / s is / are working ? When new opportunities ( for talks , interviews , projects ) arise !
Well , we are coming t just have a last questio the musical world and would you say it is h audience ?
The interest for social resides in hybridity a audience . The aim is to ( different ages , social and practices ( e . g . from unexpected . Social me verticality in marketing is much more about loo
Thank you so much f interesting . And , I w future .
Thanks a lot . And I al future .