Groundtastic GT96 | Page 2

TEAMSHEET 3 T ORQUAY U NITED 10 L EAGUE N EWS 16 N ON -L EAGUE N EWS 22 W ORLD N EWS 26 S COTS N EWS 28 W ELSH N EWS 30 N ORTHERN I RELAND N EWS 32 GT G ROUND A WARDS 2018/19 33 C RAWLEY W ASPS 34 C HERNOBYL ’ S L OST G ROUND 38 G ROUND P ANORAMAS Scan QR code for direct link to our website 44 D UDLEY T OWN (1) 50 G ILLINGHAM T OWN Digital versions at 54 G ORLESTON 60 I LMINSTER T OWN EDITORS: Vince Taylor & Paul Claydon 66 B OOKSHELF COPYRIGHT: All items are copyright of those credited or Groundtastic and cannot be reproduced without prior permission. 70 H OLIDAY S NAPS 74 T EA B AR 78 E XIT G ATES COVER PHOTO: Vince Taylor 79 C LUB S HOP NEXT ISSUE DUE: 01/06/19 80 S TADIO V ALERIO B AGICALUPO Groundtastic, 21 Tiptree Grove, Wickford, Essex SS12 9AL [email protected] groundtastic @groundtastic PUBLICATION DATE: 01/03/19 CONTRIBUTIONS BY: 01/05/19 PRINTED BY: Durley Promotions - 07970 583531 TO BUY: See page 79 for details CONTRIBUTORS: Bob Lilliman, David Collins, Atholl Beattie, Jock Gardiner, Jon Weaver, Ian Howitt, Mike Floate, Alan Woods, Nigel Upson, Stephen Mumford, Paul Bowser, Brian Buck, Peter Johnson, Colin Peel, Duncan Mackay, Kerry Miller, Tony Cunning- ham, Garry Clarke, Chris Miller & Becky Izzitt. 2 NOTES As the season nears its end it is once again time to wave goodbye to some much-loved grounds and stands. Most notable amongst those set to disap- pear in the next couple of months is York City’s Bootham Crescent, a former Football League venue of many years standing. If you’ve not been there yet, time is running out! Another former League venue that may join it sooner rather than later is Workington’s Borough Park - see p.16 for more in- formation on that one. Groundtastic - The Football Grounds Magazine