Groundtastic GT93 | Page 2

TEAMSHEET Groundtastic, 21 Tiptree Grove, Wickford, Essex SS12 9AL [email protected] groundtastic @groundtastic Scan QR code for direct link to our website Digital versions at EDITORS: EDITORS Vince Taylor & Paul Claydon COPYRIGHT: COPYRIGHT All items are copyright of those credited or Groundtastic and cannot be reproduced without prior permission. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE 01/06/18 3 T HURROCK 10 L EAGUE N EWS 16 N ON -L EAGUE N EWS 22 W ORLD N EWS 26 S COTS N EWS 28 W ELSH N EWS 30 S HILDON 35 D ULWICH H AMLET 46 W ORLD C UP 2018 V ENUES 52 I SLE OF M AN 58 N ORTHERN I RISH G ROUNDS (3) 68 L YLE P ARK 72 B OOKSHELF 73 H OLIDAY S NAPS 74 T EA B AR 78 E XIT G ATES 79 C LUB S HOP 80 S PALDING U NITED NOTES COVER PHOTO: PHOTO Paul Claydon NEXT ISSUE DUE: DUE 01/09/18 CONTRIBUTIONS BY: BY 01/08/18 PRINTED BY: BY Durley Promotions - 07970 583531 TO BUY: BUY See page 79 for details CONTRIBUTORS: CONTRIBUTORS Bob Lilliman, David Collins, Atholl Beattie, Jock Gardiner, Peter Miles, Colin Peel, Ian Howitt, Nigel Upson, Neil Daniel, Tony Cun- ningham, Jack Warner, Anders Johansen & Tommy South 2 Welcome to another packed issue; we really did have a job to squeeze in everything we wanted into this issue - there’s never a dull moment in the world of football grounds what with the demise of a num- ber of non-league clubs and the turmoil others cur- rently find themselves in. Read our reports on the most notable on the pages that follow. The summer break is here, but it won’t last very long with the World Cup and the CONIFA alterna- tive in London (see p.77). Another notable occur- rence is our Scots correspondent Jock Gardiner’s bid to visit all 18 Highland League grounds in 18 hours in aid of the Abeerdeen FC Heritage Trust. To find out more about the cause and to follow his progress search for the hashtag #AFC18in18 on social media. G r o u n d t a s t i c - T h e F o o t b a l l G r o u n d s M a g a z i n e