Barry Town
by now full time
Barry Town undertook further
improvements in
1996 when a
1,100 seater
stand went up on
the eastern side
of the ground
and new changing rooms and a
hospitality suite
took shape on
the bank overlooking the Barry Road goal. With European football now a
regular occurrence, Jenner Park’s seating capacity of 2,500 has also been
boosted in recent years by the erection of temporary stands at both ends.
It may have taken the best part of a century to achieve but the town of Barry
finally has a football team and a ground of which they can be proud.
At the top of the page is another view of the run down stand and dressing rooms circa
1980 (Bob Lilliman) and at the bottom the all-seated modern day stand on the East side
of Jenner Park (Vince Taylor).
page 38
Issue 23