Four Antioch University graduates
discover their authentic selves.
What defines your identity? What makes you you? Does
society get to decide who you are based on your name,
gender, religion, or upbringing? What happens when
elements change? What can we learn when someone’s
identity is reborn?
In our cover story, we explore these questions by
examining the personal awakenings of four extraordinary
graduates of Antioch University. Each journey is unique, just
as every identity is unique. Yet they’re all propelled by the
same idea: we ultimately have the power to shape our own
identities through our decisions.
How do people react when someone converts to an
unfamiliar religion? How might a natural disaster help
inspire someone to change her life? Can someone who spent
years battling demons turn his life around and help others?
Where’s the space for someone whose gender transcends the
typical definitions of “male” and “female”?
These stories reflect not only the diversity of human
experience, but also the wide range of individuals who
choose to learn at Antioch University. After all, for many of
us, being part of the Antioch University family is a large part
of our identity. It’s what makes us us.
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