Felice Nudelman
Bruce Bedford
Howard Coleman, JD (Board Chair)
Maureen Curley
Lance Dublin
Enrique Figueroa, PhD
William Graves, PhD
Reuben Harris, PhD
Carole Isom-Barnes
Ancella Livers, PhD
Lillian Lovelace (Governor Emerita)
Elsa Luna
Holiday Hart McKiernan
Janet (“Jan”) M. Morgan
James (“Jay”) Morley, Jr.
Felice Nudelman (Ex-Officio)
Charlotte Roberts, PhD
Larry Stone, PhD (Vice Chair)
Board Secretary: Leslie Bates
Tim Jordan
Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
Iris Weisman, EdD
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Suzette Castonguay
University Director Human Resources & Payroll Services
Bob DeWitt
Chief Information Officer
Laurien Alexandre, PhD
Special Assistant to the Chancellor
Director, PhD Program in Leadership and Change
Bill Groves, JD
University Counsel
Rebecca Todd, JD
Counsel for Regulatory Affairs
Matt Cookson
Chief Communications Officer
Charlotte Tullos, EdD
Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management
Don’t know your AUSB from your AUNE?
Here’s a guide to Antioch University campus
acronyms to help you navigate this issue:
AEA = Antioch Education Abroad
AU = Antioch University
AULA = Antioch University Los Angeles
AUM = Antioch University Midwest
AUNE = Antioch University New England
AUS = Antioch University Seattle
AUSB = Antioch University Santa Barbara
Karen Schuster Webb, PhD
President, Antioch University Midwest
Tex Boggs, PhD
President, Antioch University Los Angeles
Steve Jones, PhD
President, Antioch University New England
Nancy Leffert, PhD
President, Antioch University Santa Barbara
Brian Baird, PhD
President, Antioch University Seattle
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