Hearteningly , the message appears to have been received that a golf club is nothing without its golf course . While clubhouses and other facilities remained closed , as measures eased golf courses began to reopen and this brought into stark focus the central role each course plays in the success of its facility , and thus the importance of a venue ’ s greenkeeping team .
Whether through furlough or redundancy , greenkeeping teams were reduced in number throughout the pandemic . But as the world returned to normal in the latter part of 2021 , employers realised that the extra revenue they had gained through golf ’ s boom in playing numbers needed to be reinvested in the course if that wasn ’ t to soon become a bust . BIGGA ’ s recruitment pages saw an unprecedented demand , with a 75 % increase in the number of greenkeeping vacancies listed on www . bigga . org . uk and in the association ’ s monthly magazine , Greenkeeper International .
Proactive club managers now understand they need to invest in staffing if they are to capitalise upon the surge in player numbers and retain them for the long-term , but BIGGA is also working hard to ensure that employers then invest in the development of their team members and provide competitive salaries and facilities that make the greenkeeping industry an attractive career opportunity . As engaged and educated staff put their learnings into practice on the course , the return on investment in professional development will push the course on even further , and this is becoming increasingly understood and appreciated .
In return , turf managers are gaining a greater appreciation of ways in which they can contribute towards the success of the business by undertaking more sustainable practices , not just in GB & I but all over the world . These include :
Chemical products are having their licences revoked and remaining products are costly , so any usage must be carefully considered .
Proactive club managers now understand they need to invest in staffing if they are to capitalise upon the surge in player numbers and retain them for the longterm .
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January 2022 57