The Continue to Learn education programme begins a few days prior to BTME , on Sunday 23 January and provides an astonishing breadth of learning available not only to BIGGA members , but anyone working within sports turf maintenance . With speakers gathered from across the globe and talks from the most influential voices in the industry , it is a priceless opportunity to gain the knowledge that will enable greenkeepers and groundsmen to take their sports facility and their career to the next level .
Ben O ’ Sullivan is course manager at North Middlesex Golf Club in north London . He said : “ I ’ m really looking forward to seeing everyone and finding out how they got on through COVID times . I ’ m looking forward to seeing all the different brands of machinery and how everyone ’ s getting on , so I can ’ t wait to be there in January .”
The Harrogate Convention Centre has
With speakers gathered from across the globe and talks from the most influential voices in the industry , it is a priceless opportunity to gain the knowledge that will enable greenkeepers and groundsmen to take their sports facility and their career to the next level .
been hosting events for over 150 years and has been the home of BTME since the inaugural event in 1989 . BIGGA has been working closely with the venue to implement coronavirus precautions that will ensure the safety all those in attendance . The organisers will continue to monitor and act on advice from the UK Government and the World Health
Organisation as to what safety measures are required .
BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said he is incredibly proud of how BIGGA , both its staff and the members , have overcome the challenges faced over the past two years , adding that he is excited for the community to reunite at BTME this January .
Jim said : “ I ’ m thrilled to see that bookings for Continue to Learn , visitor registrations and exhibitor stand sales are all going extremely well . It seems that our industry is really looking forward to reconnecting in Harrogate in January .”
Early registration is encouraged for BTME as this will help reduce waiting times at the entrance to the exhibition .
You can register for a free place now or find out more about BTME and Continue to Learn by heading to www . btme . org . uk
42 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January 2022