Groundskeeping Journal Issue 8 2021 | Page 20


A cleaner alternative for both 2 and 4-stroke engines

spen are returning to


SALTEX this November to discuss their range of ethanol-free Alkylate fuels , offering a cleaner alternative for both 2 and 4-stroke engines . Following the recent switch to E10 grade at the UK petrol pumps , operators of garden and grounds machinery can find out more about the increased risks of reliability issues , attributable to the increased ethanol content , with a stop by stand M055 .
To help in the government ’ s target of reducing carbon emissions , the ethanol content of regular grade unleaded petrol ( 95 octane ) has been increased from 5 % to 10 % as from September 2021 . For modern car engines , designed to handle E10 fuel , few problems are expected . However , ethanol being a solvent that is damaging to plastic and rubber , E10 threatens to shorten the life of certain system components in some older engines and contribute towards the poor running of small power equipment .
In addition , ethanol also reduces the storage life of petrol , with many leading manufacturers recommending that fuels containing ethanol be consumed within a 30-day period in order to minimise the problems associated with degradation .
Being free from ethanol as well as benzene , sulphur and many other harmful substances , Aspen Alkylate petrol improves not only the reliability and performance of your equipment , but the working conditions for the operator . The fuel also significantly reduces the harmful impact your machinery makes on the environment .
The Aspen team will be on hand across the two days to answer any questions and discuss the range of package and delivery options available - giving commercial customers the flexibility to specify their fuel by the container , pallet or drum to best suit their usage , transportation and storage requirements . www . aspenfuel . co . uk
20 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | Winter 2021