Reesink understands the cost savings benefits of buying used machinery , but also the need to have assurance that by buying pre-owned doesn ’ t mean losing out on quality . Which is why we ’ ve created an online nationwide network , Ree . Own , providing access to the best used Toro machinery available in the UK .
The platform , reeown . co . uk , has an ‘ Autotrader ’ style , where the machines listed have been certified for sale through a network of authorised Toro dealers and Reesink branch locations . The site gives customers the ability to browse and compare prices on a range of machines that are guaranteed to represent quality and value for money .
All Ree . Own certified machines are no more than seven years since first use , with less than 3000 hours use . Plus , all machines will have gone through a multipoint check by trained technicians . Machines are fully serviced when history is unavailable , or where there are over 50 hours use since the last service and to top it all off , machines will come with a minimum 90 day warranty , with some even having an extended warranty of up to 270 days .
Having an online platform providing a range of preowned machines meets the needs of the market . Now , more customers can benefit from the quality of cut , precision engineering and innovation that comes with a Toro machine , while making huge cost savings , which is incredibly important in these uncertain times .
For further information on Ree . Own or Reesink Turfcare , visit reeown . co . uk or reesinkturfcare . co . uk .
38 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | August / September 2021