Groundskeeping Journal Issue 6 2021 | Page 9


The Redexim Top-Brush

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T availability of curative chemistry has been a game-changer when it comes to the fight against worm casts . Recognising that cultural methods are going to become perhaps the only way to manage them , Newark Golf Club are the latest in a growing list to add the 6m-wide Redexim Top-Brush to their armoury . For Course Manager Alex Clarricoates , its effectiveness at removing casts , as well as improving course presentation , made the purchase a no-brainer .

“ Having gone through the autumn and winter struggling with casts on our fairways and surrounds , as soon as I saw the Top-Brush on social media I requested a demonstration ” explains Alex , who has been at Newark for 12 years . “ As well as the obvious issues with playability , from an agronomic perspective , the increase in casts means that they often get trodden on and lay like that throughout the winter , resulting in us entering into the new season with bare patches .”
The large working with of the Top- Brush means it can quickly and effectively rid large areas of not only worm casts , but also organic matter and dew . Its three brushes can rotate in or against the direction of travel and its working depth can be adjusted to achieve a light surface brush or more aggressive , deeper surface agitation . “ This versatility means that throughout the spring and summer we ’ ll be using the Top-Brush for clearing dew and removing lateral growth , and during periods of drought it will be a key tool to deliver that extra little bit of surface presentation on the fairways without needing to cut . Come the autumn , we envisage the Top-Brush will be in use daily to clear any worm casts when they appear .”
On the day of the install by local dealer F . G . Adamson & Sons and Redexim Territory Manager Andy O ’ Neill , Alex also had a demonstration of the Verti- Drain 7416 which was purchased on the spot ! “ The club have been making major investments over the last twelve months , in more manpower and new equipment to help us elevate the course to the next level . We had always previously outsourced the work but by having our own Verti-Drain , we can now relieve even more areas of compaction and at the time when ground conditions are absolutely spot on .”
Alex concludes , “ With these two new tools at our disposal , we are in a fantastic place when it comes to course condition . It ’ s only upwards from here !” www . redexim . com
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | June / July 2021 9