Groundskeeping Journal Issue 6 2021 | Page 19


Aspen Alkylate petrol

ou may think that if you ’ re operating

Y petrol-powered equipment , particularly in poorly ventilated spaces , that exposure to harmful hydrocarbons is largely unavoidable . Benzene is just one of the many hydrocarbons found in conventional pump fuel and exhaust emissions , often considered the substance most dangerous to human health . However , there is an alternative in the form of Aspen Alkylate petrol – switching to which can reduce benzene emissions by up to 108 times !

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 ( COSHH ) regulations advise against benzene exposure completely , but where this cannot be reasonably achieved , there are steps that can be taken to adequately control exposure as far as is reasonably practicable - and certainly below the workplace exposure limit ( WEL ) assigned for benzene of part per million ( ppm ) of air averaged over an 8-hour period . One way of doing this could be switching from traditional pump fuel to Aspen .
An Alkylate petrol , Aspen is made using only the cleanest Alkylate components that occur when oil is refined . This process involves combining excess gases from the distillation of crude oil and from the cracking plant , resulting in a liquid alkylate . Once some additional components are mixed in , the result is a finished fuel which is significantly purer than traditional petrol , with content of harmful aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene and polyaromatics ( PAH ) close to zero .
Being virtually free from benzene , as well as sulphur and many other harmful substances , using Aspen Alkylate petrol improves the health and performance of your equipment , the working conditions for the operator and significantly reduces the harmful impact your machinery makes on the environment . Aspen is also ethanol-free , which improves reliability , maintains engine performance and preserves the life of component parts which can be susceptible to failure when running on conventional pump fuel , especially if it has been left for any extended period of time in storage .
Aspen is available in a range of unit sizes ( 5L , 25L , 60L and 200L ) and in both pre-mixed 2-stroke and 4-stroke varieties .
www . aspenfuel . co . uk
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | June / July 2021 19