Prevent mowing accidents
Ideal attachment for string trimmer or brush cutter
C ounter rotating blades create a clean , sharp cut in any use . The 1:20 reduction ratio and automatic stopping blades means power rotary scissors is incredibly safe , fast and efficient . While cutting with Power Rotary Scissors , It can prevent flying gravel or debris damaging your trees , plants or even cars in parking lots . Preventing flying debris means it is an ideal brush cutter attachment for operators working in conditions with risks or potential for damaging of property .
Power rotary scissors is great for edging , wetland clearance and uncovering of landmarks ( drain covers etc ). Perfect for precision cutting and edging around lawns , gardens , bunkers and sand traps .
With the Power Rotary Scissors , you target exactly what needs to be cut .
Major features are as follows .
• Flat bottom design Ideal for cutting lawn flat .
• Trim up to obstacles For reduced risk of causing damage and kick-back .
• Easy edging Perfect for tidying edges .
• At the water ’ s edge Ideal for trimming at the water ’ s edge or wetland .
• Less flying debris Useful for trimming near parked vehicles , office windows .
Attach this to a string trimmer or brush cutter in minutes and instantly increase productivity and safety .
Blades are easy to sharpen and replace as the gear unit can be completely disassembled for easy maintenance .
With dual blade rotating scissor action , multiple adapters to fit a wide range of trimmers , and additional blade options available for thin / soft grass , edging , or multi-purpose cutting . The Power Rotary Scissors trimmer head keeps the operator clean and the environment safe from flying debris .
For more information , email info @ idech . co . jp .
40 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | April / May 2021