As well as trying to promote traditional fescues , I am keen to explore moving to a more organic approach to reduce salt input and improve overall course sustainability ”
“ and August . This is then supplemented with two applications of Suståne 5-2-4 + Fe in early June and October on the greens , surrounds and aprons . “ The results we ’ ve achieved have been fantastic and since making the switch we ’ ve definitely noticed an increase in our fescue populations year on year .”
Suståne Turf Revival ® 6-2-4 provides complete macro and micronutrients for optimal plant establishment and quick green-up , followed by up to eight weeks of uniform growth and colour . The aerobically composted base material replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus and mycorrhizal fungi , to improve the uptake of nutrients and boost overall plant health .
Its naturally low salt index also allows for healthy root development .
“ This combination seems to really suit our links conditions and is providing an excellent base on which to build with other areas of our maintenance programme . We have not experienced any negative effects by switching away from more traditional feeds , if anything the control this gives me over the salinity of my soil profile is a major plus .” Dan concludes , “ We ’ ve been so pleased with the results we ’ ve had with using Suståne , and it ’ s a great step in the right direction in our eventual goal of becoming completely chemical free .”
www . sustane . com
“ I spoke firstly with our local Suståne distributor , Neil Rogers at AGS , who went through the options available and followed this up with support from Suståne ’ s Regional Manager Russell Riley which confirmed that we wanted to give it a go .”
Formulated especially to assist with the recovery of stressed areas , Dan has been applying Suståne ’ s Turf Revival ® 6-2-4 twice a year following their main maintenance periods in , normally , March
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | April / May 2021 19