Groundskeeping Journal Issue 5 2021 | Page 17


Redexim Top-Brush

onstructed on a heavy clay soil profile , the

C two 18-hole courses at Welwyn Garden City ’ s Brocket Hall Estate fell victim last year to what arguably has become one of the biggest challenges for fine turf managers – worm casts . Without available curative chemistry , Golf Course Manager John Moorhouse turned to his local dealer for advice who recommended the Redexim Top-Brush . Three months on from taking delivery , the Top-Brush has proven itself to be a true multi-tasker – not only tackling the issue of worm casts but leaves and surface moisture too .

Quintessentially British in their design , but very different in terms of their challenge to golfers and greenkeepers alike , the Palmerston and Melbourne courses are overseen by a dedicated team of 10 . “ The combination of our heavy soil and milder , wetter autumns has seen a huge spike in the number of worm casts we ’ re seeing ” explains John . “ I spoke with David Fisher of George Browns to see if there was a way of removing the casts prior to cutting . He straight away organised a demonstration of the Top-Brush .”
The Redexim Top-Brush is a six-metre-wide poly-brush , comprised of three sections , that can quickly and effectively rid large areas , such as fairways , of worm casts , organic matter and dew . Because the brushes can rotate in or against the direction of travel , it can be used to remove lateral growth and stand the plant upright - contributing to better airflow into the canopy and a cleaner quality of cut .
“ It ’ s really easy to hook-up via the 3-point linkage and it ’ s quick and straight forward to adjust the rotation direction and working depth . It has not only done exactly as we hoped in clearing surface casts , but it also played a major part in leaf clearance on the heavily tree-lined Palmerston course – using the brushes anti-clockwise to lift and move the leaves and other debris such as pine needles out of play and giving us a great , clean finish .”
When used with clockwise rotation , John has been impressed with the Top-Brush ’ s ability to remove dew and improve course presentation . “ It has given us a quick and effective method of reducing surface moisture , especially early mornings , not only contributing to improvements in plant health but giving us a beautiful striped finish on the fairways .” He concludes , “ As we head into the spring , in addition to all of its existing uses , we plan to use the Top-Brush to help with incorporation of topdressing material . The versatility demonstrated by this piece of kit means it has done exactly what we hoped for , and so much more .” www . charterhouse-tm . co . uk
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | April / May 2021 17