Groundskeeping Journal Issue 27 2025 | Page 34


Discover the ‘ Aspen Difference ’ with a stop by stand 423 at BTME 2025

ith sustainability

W high on the agenda for many golf courses around the country , there has never been a better time to review all aspects of the greenkeeping operation – including the method of power . Aspen Fuel is an alkylate petrol , 99 % cleaner than traditional pump unleaded and offers a viable alternative for serviceable petrol-engined hand tools and equipment . Visitors to BTME 2025 can find out more as Aspen make their debut on stand 423 .

Aspen Alkylate petrol offers numerous benefits to professional and commercial customers , making it a popular choice for those working in construction , landscaping and arboriculture , and already making a name for itself with golf courses around the world . Virtually free from sulphur , benzene and solvents , it reduces emissions and all-but eliminates odours – freeing operators from the headaches and other health implications this can cause .
After encountering availability issues with pump fuel during COVID , the team trialled Aspen 2 and Aspen 4 in their machinery and have not looked back since . “ It ’ s not until you incorporate it into the day to day operations that you really begin to appreciate the improvements Aspen delivers for both the operators and the equipment . The biggest benefit for me is its shelf-life , which has seen us get equipment out of the shed that has been dormant for a year and starts again with no trouble at all ” explains Course Manager Alex Clarricoates .
“ We use roughly 400 litres of the 4-stroke Aspen , and 200 litres of the 2-stroke each year , both delivered in 200 litre barrels and stored exactly where we need it .” He continues , “ Another benefit we ’ ve found is the Aspen 2 being pre-mixed which has eliminated issues we ’ ve experienced in the past where incorrect fuel to oil ratios have resulted in faults with some of our 2-stroke engines .”
Those wishing to trail Aspen alkylate petrol in their own businesses can now do so , risk-free , with Aspen ’ s moneyback guarantee . If you don ’ t ‘ Experience the Difference ’ by the end of your trial period , Aspen will refund you the cost difference compared to what you would have spent on pump fuel . More details on this , and the full Aspen range , can be found by speaking to the technical team who will be available on stand 423 across the three-day show .
Not only that , Aspen is also ethanol-free , protecting your machines during use and in storage , and extending engine life and reliability .
A growing list of UK courses have already made the switch to Aspen , including Newark Golf Club .
18 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / february 2025