Groundskeeping Journal Issue 27 2025 | Page 11


Wiedenmann / Maredo STrac 700 revolutionising turf tasks

he STrac is

T a practical pedestrian turf maintenance operating system that offers EIGHT processes .

Choose either an 8.5 hp Honda engine to power the STrac ’ s 700 hydraulic hitch or guiding handle . ( Choose the 12.5 hp for the STrac720 .) Just connect a dedicated ST task cassette head to the STrac ’ s hydraulic hitch , then the mechanical PTO drive and you are ready to go .
The STrac is light , fast and versatile and allows site-wide uniformity of care and presentation . Challenging spots such as high traffic or wet areas or , where a tractor is too heavy , suddenly are within reach .
Flexible wheel positions mean the rear wheels can be manoeuvred close to edges .
Cassettes , with a working width of 65 cm , are available for overseeding , aerating , scarifying , coring , fraise mowing , sand filling , sod cutting and seeding .
• The ST120 SodCutter Uses a counterbalanced blade that slices smoothly . Minimal vibration ensures clean cut and ‘ no lines ’.
• The ST160 CleanCut- SandFiller creates a dry and healthy top layer without surface material . Injects dried sand to 20 mm .
• The ST170 FlexFrase-Mower strips off turf layer to 20 mm , leaving a smooth surface to overseed . Ideal for removing bumps on goal mouths .
• The ST200 Flex-Verticutter scarifies to 25 mm using carbide tipped blades with tool free adjustment . The blades counter rotate so material lifts tidily out the way .
• Relieving compaction to 60 mm , the ST210 Vibe- Spike Aerator allows expert following of undulations or curves . Spike tools vibrate cracking the soil and punching holes , letting air and nutrients through .
• ST230 HighSpeed-Corer relieves compaction , opening the top layer to 75 mm . Hole spacing is changed by amending forward speed . Multiple hollow and solid tine options .
• The ST418 VibeDisc-Seeder has unique technology to plant and protect seed . This slit seeder doses seed 0 to -15 mm at as low as 2 g / m ² to 15 g / m ². The seed box holds 6 kg of seed with disc seeder slit spacings at 42 mm . • The ST424 VibeSpike- Seeder is similar to the ST418 VibeDisc-Seeder but with a dimple seeder head , vibratory spikes creating dimple patterns for seed placement .
Brought to you via your local Wiedenmann UK dealer : 0141 814 3366 www . maredo-bv . com @ WiedenmannUK @ MaredoBV
6 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / february 2025