Groundskeeping Journal Issue 26 2024 | Page 30

S Manager at Kibworth Golf Club in 2019 Martin

Mansfield Sand ’ s impact at Kibworth Golf Club

ince becoming Course
S Manager at Kibworth Golf Club in 2019 Martin
Anderson has propelled the course to new heights . A crucial component in Martin ’ s arsenal ? The superior quality sand products from Mansfield Sand Company , renowned for their performance and reliability .
For over 170 years , Mansfield Sand Company has led the industry in the development and production of premium silica sand-based products . With a commitment to innovation and quality , Mansfield Sand ’ s range of offerings has become synonymous with excellence across sports , landscaping , and equestrian sectors . From championship golf courses to world-class show jumping arenas , Mansfield Sand ’ s products have impressed at some of the most prestigious venues in the UK and Europe .
Reflecting on the transition to Mansfield Sand ’ s products , Martin speaks of the noticeable difference it has made at Kibworth Golf Club in Leicestershire . “ We have changed our sand provider recently ,” he explains . “ The Mansfield Sand product is a cleaner mixture , which is evident in the soil testing results . It has the potential to significantly improve our playing surfaces .”
Regular top-ups throughout the year , coupled with meticulous maintenance during the preseason , ensure that our bunkers are always in pristine condition .
Martin ’ s journey at Kibworth Golf Club is not merely that of a Course Manager , but of a dedicated individual whose roots run deep within the club ’ s history . “ This club holds a special place in my heart ,” Martin reflects . “ It ’ s where I took my first ever steps , became an apprentice , learned the ropes of greenkeeping , and is the place where I met my wife .” This profound connection fuels Martin ’ s passion for excellence , driving him to continually enhance the club ’ s playing surfaces with the help of trusted partners like Mansfield Sand Company .
At Kibworth , the application of Mansfield Sand ’ s top dressing for greens , tees , and approaches has delivered remarkable results . Martin emphasises the role of top dressing in enhancing speed , trueness , and roll through the greens . “ It ’ s not just about aesthetics ,” Martin notes . “ The top dressing has massively improved playability and drainage , particularly on our heavy clay soil .”
Martin ’ s praise extends to Mansfield Sand ’ s bunker sand , essential for maintaining Kibworth ’ s 52 bunkers . “ Our bunkers are well-placed from a playing point of view ,” he explains . “ Regular top-ups throughout the year , coupled with meticulous maintenance during the preseason , ensure that our bunkers are always in pristine condition .”
Martin ’ s successful use of Mansfield Sand products at Kibworth Golf Club is a testament to the power of quality products in course maintenance . As Kibworth continues to thrive under his leadership , it ’ s clear that the right sand makes all the difference in achieving excellence .
For more information visit www . mansfield-sand . co . uk
30 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | November / December 2024