Groundskeeping Journal Issue 24 2024 | Page 42

A building companies , contractors and landscapers on completion of a development is compaction . This can be caused by the movement of traffic and materials across the ground to buildings under construction , which leaves areas prone to waterlogging .

Terrain gets to the core

common problem facing
A building companies , contractors and landscapers on completion of a development is compaction . This can be caused by the movement of traffic and materials across the ground to buildings under construction , which leaves areas prone to waterlogging .
Groundwork , laying topsoil and grassing or turfing areas may be on clay and that has the same effect with the presence of large tracts of standing water . Newly laid gardens , grassed and play areas in particular become susceptible , with compaction occurring far deeper than normal aerating will alleviate . Deep penetration aeration is the solution , but how do you know what lies beneath the grass and to what depth the aeration is needed ? Terrain Aeration has been treating such problems for over twenty-five years and work regularly with construction companies such as Taylor Wimpey , Barrett Homes , Laings and smaller developers to provide a long-term solution .
The Terrain Aeration Terralift machines penetrate the ground to a depth of one metre , releasing a blast of compressed air which fractures and relieves the compacted soil , creating permanent aeration and drainage . However , before carrying out the aeration , it is often necessary on old site layouts to determine what lies beneath and Terrain Aeration takes a core sample using their specialist machinery . The plastic sleeve which slides out of the metal casing reveals what the soil is like , from the topsoil down to the structure beneath . The soil cores are taken to one metre depth can also be a good indicator of where oil and diesel spillages have penetrated and how deep .
42 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | July / August 2024