Groundskeeping Journal Issue 24 2024 | Page 38


Eco Clipper FM343 : The Future of Efficient Lawn Maintenance

Eco Clipper is recognized for its efficient , quiet , and highperforming electric mowing systems for large lawns . Our technology ensures excellent results , even in challenging conditions such as wet grass and weeds .
Efficient electric mowing systems for maintaining large area turfgrass
To meet the demand for lightweight mowers compatible with most park tractors of 40 hp and above , we introduced the Eco Clipper FM343 in 2024 . This three-part front mower has a cutting width of 343 cm and can be folded to a transport width of 170 cm . Like its larger counterpart , the 411 cm wide EC-FM4 , it is powered by a PTO-driven generator mounted behind the tractor .
The Eco Clipper FM343 is designed to be a versatile solution for maintaining large lawns , sports fields , and rough terrain . It sets a new standard in lawn care , ensuring that grounds are maintained efficiently and effectively . Discover the capabilities of the Eco Clipper FM343 and improve your lawn care .
www . ecoclipper . com
Eco Clipper FM4 Sport , 411 cm mowing width
Eco Clipper FM343 343 cm mowing width
www . ecoclipper . com

Groundsman turf multi cutters

Since 1990 , Groundsman Industries have been developing their unique range of grass maintenance machines and accessories for maximum performance and durability . The company specialises in Turf Aerators , Core Collectors and Turf / Sod Cutters .
Groundsman High Performance Sod Cutters
Groundsman Two and Four-wheel Drive Turf Sod Cutters deliver effortless cutting with very low operator Hand Arm Vibration levels . Large diameter ground-drive wheels provide excellent traction in all conditions . The twin axle four wheel drive models with rear blade position enable them to cut extremely accurate fine turf even on rolling terrane as well as being very capability in the rough . These versatile machines can be fitted with Trench , Mole and De-compaction Blades cutting to 15cm deep as well as Sod Blades 30cm to 60cm wide to cut 1cm to 7.5cm thick sod . Serrated Sod Blades can cut fibre reinforced grass , scrub or heather , Revetting Blades cut two and three strips of turf in one pass for sod walling or bunker building . A Guillotine attachment can be fitted on the TMC48 model to measure and chop the sod into lengths for turf nurseries and sod farms .
Visit www . groundsmanindustries . com
38 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | July / August 2024