DOUBLE EDGE – Biostimulant
With more and more chemicals being withdrawn from the market , groundskeepers are turning to biostimulants to feed , strengthen , and protect against disease . The need to follow an IPM program is now more important than ever and being more environmentally conscious this isn ’ t such a bad thing either . Using DOUBLE EDGE in a regular spray program will cut the need for conventional chemistry by strengthening the plant and allowing it to better withstand disease pressures .
David Gray , Golf Courses Manager , Fife Golf Trust said this about DOUBLE EDGE , “ Having never used DOUBLE EDGE until this season , I was interested to see the results over our courses and monitor the potential benefits . I have been really impressed and the teams report plant health has been improved , with a good consistent colour . Being such a low dose rate makes it affordable , but also makes it convenient to distribute to the 7 different sites that we manage , soil structure differing from sandy to clay . The tank mix compatibility is also something we like as this allows us to confidently incorporate
DOUBLE EDGE into our regular foliar applications . We apply DOUBLE EDGE predominantly to our Greens over all 7 courses but in the future , we may extend this out to Tees and Surrounds .“
www . upl-ltd . com / uk
B I O S T I M U L A N T www . upl-ltd . com / uk
UPL Europe Ltd , Engine Rooms , 1st Floor , Birchwood Park , Warrington , Cheshire WA3 6YN T : + 44 ( 0 ) 1925 819999 E : info . uk @ upl-ltd . com
Use plant protection products safely . Always read the label and product information before use . Pay attention to risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label . All names are trademarks of UPL . © UPL Europe Ltd 2024 .
46 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / February 2024