Groundskeeping Journal Issue 21 2024 | Page 40

N clubs are battling the rising cost of materials , with sand being one of the highest , but by using the Koro RECYCLINGDRESSER ® from Campey Turf Care Systems , clubs can reapproach topdressing .

Koro RECYCLINGDRESSER ® can be golfs sustainable topdressing method

ow more than ever , golf
N clubs are battling the rising cost of materials , with sand being one of the highest , but by using the Koro RECYCLINGDRESSER ® from Campey Turf Care Systems , clubs can reapproach topdressing .
Whilst the Imants-made machine has traditionally been used on football pitches and larg-er areas , The Worcestershire Golf Club Course Manager , Steve Lloyd , thinks the process of the RECYCLINGDRESSER ® could save up to £ 2.5k across an 18-hole course .
The RECYCLINGDRESSER ® aerates the underlying soil vertically and horizontally , re-moving soil from the root zone and re-distributing it across the playing surface . Layering and compaction are eliminated , biological activity is increased , and existing fertilisers in the soil are better utilised . The RECYCLINGDRESSER ® reduces the amount of new top-dressing required , therefore saving labour and material costs and promoting sustainable maintenance .
The waste of material during hollow tining got Steve thinking about the machine , and after seeing it work on his USGA specification practice green , he sees a place for it in golf .
“ If the cost of the material goes up substantially , then you start to question how much of it I need or if there is an alternative way that is more cost-effective , sustainable , and fits both boxes ,” Steve said .
“ If you hollow tine a lot , probably 80 % of what you ’ re bringing out is good material . Where does that go ? Most of the time , it gets thrown away , which is a waste , so I thought about how other sports reuse material , and that brought me to the RECYCLINGDRESSER ® .
“ The demo on our golf green by Jason Moody Product Specialist for Campey , went really well .
40 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / February 2024