Groundskeeping Journal Issue 21 2024 | Page 30

A process in encouraging the growth of strong grass as

The importance of aeration for your lawn

eration is an important
A process in encouraging the growth of strong grass as
it allows air , water and nutrients to penetrate the grass root , so it ’ s a vital part of achieving thick , lush lawns .
What is aeration ?
The process of aeration involves piercing the soil beneath the grass with small holes so allow air , water and nutrients can penetrate it . All of these elements are vital in helping grass roots to grow deeply whilst producing strong , vigorous and sprightly grass . Aeration should be undertaken to alleviate soil compaction as even slightly compressed soil can obstruct these important elements from reaching the grass roots . This means that grass will struggle to maintain its health during hotter weather and heavy rainfall , causing a risk of deteriorating quality , and ultimately resulting in it dying .
How often should lawns be aerated ?
Lawns and turf should be aerated at least once annually to maintain the penetration of water and fertilisers to the grass root . However , lawns that are regularly used , such as football pitches or community fields , or those that have a spongey feel should be aerated more often to help grass maintain its strength and vibrant colour . Prime growing seasons , including early spring and autumn , are the optimum times to aerate a lawn . During this period , grass can recover more quickly and are strong enough to fight off the stress of the aeration process .
30 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / February 2024