Groundskeeping Journal Issue 20 2023 | Page 33

Packed with a range of brandnew innovative features , the TLM Pro X is an exciting new GPS robot designed to make line marking projects as streamlined and effortless as possible .
Richard adds , “ As a business we were looking at ways to do tasks more efficiently and are always looking at technology to try and help with this . We came across the TLM Pro X on the internet . The potential cost savings on labour and the ability to have a pitch marking service that we could offer to other sports clubs on the island did appeal and fitted in with our business plans .”
“ We have only just started using the robot , but it has already made the initial marking of the pitches much more efficient , and we certainly expect to see the savings in labour costs going forward .”
The TLM Pro X easily manages line marking from start to finish , whether it ’ s initial marking or overmarking . The robot runs on the ultra-reliable RTK ( Real- Time Kinematic ) network which means it doesn ’ t need a base station like some robots use . The robot will mark or remark the pitch in the correct location every time , even if previous lines have disappeared . Once set up it incredibly simple to use and very reliable .
The TLM Pro X has over 200 customisable pitch templates which include sports pitches , athletic tracks , and parking . “ The ability to quickly and accurately mark out various pitch templates is a fantastic benefit to us .” Richard adds .
A popular new feature of the TLM Pro X is the multi-select tool and Richard agrees that it
We have only just started using the robot , but it has already made the initial marking of the pitches much more efficient , and we certainly expect to see the savings in labour costs going forward .
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | November / December 2023