Reliable Surface Water Extraction with T-T
Surface water , whether a naturally occurring lake or man-made reservoir , is a popular option for sports turf irrigation . It benefits the environment by harnessing rainwater , with reservoirs allowing greenkeepers to store water for use in periods of uncertainty , such as saving winter rainfall for our increasingly common summer droughts .
For a complete surface water extraction system , you need a high-performance pump , a durable hose and a reliable flotation device . T-T is a convenient one-stop solution for all your fluid management needs , ensuring your liquids are under control .
T-T ’ s Pontoon is a pump floatation device that is certified for lifting 160kg per unit , with a modular design for increased load capacity . Constructed from durable marine grade polyethylene and featuring lift points for easy installation , the Pontoon is a reliable floatation device that can withstand environmental erosion .
Above left , KTH / S - Corrosion Resistant De-Watering Pump . Above centre , Pontoon - Pump Flotation Device .
Below , Mandals Wellman - Clean
Water Hose
damage from suspended solids ; and corrosion resistant construction materials ensure longevity when pumps are either submerged or exposed to the elements .
Lastly , Mandal ’ s layflat hoses ( only available in the UK from T-T ) provide the perfect lightweight solution to carry the surface water to its intended application . Mandal ’ s hoses are constructed from circular woven TPU , featuring high tensile strength and weather resistance for durability in outdoor applications , guaranteeing a long operational life .
Pair the Pontoon with one of T-T ’ s many models of submersible pumps within the KT range , or surface mounted pumps from SAER ’ s IR end suction range . High efficiency hydraulics provide sufficiently pressurised water delivery ; effective solids handling avoids
Chat to a member of our team for expert selection advice and ensure you build the optimal surface water extraction set for your site .
www . ttpumps . com
The Pontoon has been engineered to be a versatile and compact floatation device for de-watering , utilising submersible or engine-driven pumps . Constructed in Marine grade , foam-filled polyethylene complete with UV15 protection , with 304 stainless steel straps and fittings to maximise durability . Scan the QR code or contact our experts to learn more .
ttpumps . . com pumpsales @ @ ttpumps . com. com + 44 + ( 044 ) 1( 0 ) 1630 647200
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | November / December 2023 27