Groundskeeping Journal Issue 20 2023 | Page 10


Johnsons J Tee proves the solution to shade issues at

trial of J Tee from

A the Johnsons Sports Seed range has now been rolled out course-wide at Knutsford Golf Club in Cheshire , after solving a number of issues on their heavily shaded tees . The combination of high footfall and a lack of sunlight caused by trees have previously posed a number of problems when it comes to the maintenance of the small tees , which Course Manager David Jones now claims to be a thing of the past thanks to the ‘ second to none ’ results from the J Tee mix .

Knutsford Golf Club

Knutsford Golf Club , once part of National Trust site Tatton Park , is somewhat unique with a 10-green layout . While this enables golfers to play a different 9 and 18th hole , for David and his team of four , this means double the traffic on the tees which he admits used to let the overall course condition down . “ We knew that removing trees to allow for better light and airflow was not going to be an option accepted by the members so we had to find another way ” he explains . “ I put an SOS call out to Stuart Yarwood , our Regional DLF Technical Manager , to see what we could do and the support and advice we ’ ve had has been brilliant .”
10 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | November / December 2023