Groundskeeping Journal Issue 19 2023 | Page 63


Ariens & AS-Motor commercial mowers on show at GroundsFest

A riens and AS-Motor are joining forces under the AriensCo umbrella at the inaugural Groundsfest 2023 at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire . From 20-21 September , visitors will have the opportunity to see the new Ariens Arrow E battery-powered stand-on mower and other highlights from the AS-Motor and Ariens product portfolio live .

On show for the first time at a UK show will be the battery version of the Ariens Arrow – the Arrow E . The new Arrow E combines the advantages of a stand-on mower with those of the latest battery technology . Professional users benefit from lower operating costs , improved profitability and the ability to service future jobs in noise and emission-sensitive zones .
As a special highlight , visitors can view the AS 940 Sherpa 4WD RC , which is considered the most powerful high grass mower in its class . It is also the world ’ s first ride-on mower that can be operated both manually and remotely . The team also has the
AS 1000 Ovis RC remote-controlled tracked flail mower on show . The extremely slope-compatible mower convinces with highest mowing performance and easy handling and maintenance .
Visit us at stands OSA 811 and OSA 890 to find out about our products and try them for yourself . www . ariens . com www . as-motor . com
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | September / October 2023 63