Groundskeeping Journal Issue 19 2023 | Page 47

I use Attraxor every 21 days on our greens and it has lowered the mowing maintenance of the greens and complemented our existing efforts of greens upkeep .
better uptake from our overseeding work !
“ Introducing Attraxor to our maintenance regime has meant we spend less time mowing the greens . Having such good control over the growth rates means the option is always there to give the greens a break for a day without any mechanical input if we feel it would benefit . Attraxor has given me so much control over the golf course , it has allowed for consistent and quality greens coverage with minimal growth which is smooth and develops at the same pace as all the other greens .”
To find out more about Attraxor , visit https :// www . pestcontrol . basf . co . uk / en / Products /
Overview / Growth-Regulator / Attraxor . html # section-benefits
greens upkeep . During periods of high growth , we alternate days mowing and rolling to reduce plant stress . Attraxor gives me better control of growth rates . Throughout the 21-day period , a more uniform sward is possible each week . I ’ ve found that the Poa annua seedhead suppression qualities are superior to Trinexapac-ethyl products . If any seedheads do pop up , they are remarkably smaller and leave a much finer putting surface .”
John also discussed the improvement of quality he is seeing within the grass , saying : “ We have been overseeding with creeping bentgrass for three years now , and in conjunction with our use of Attraxor , we have seen a much
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | September / October 2023 47