Groundskeeping Journal Issue 17 2023 | Page 72

Effective chemical free weed control

Multevo have been the UK ’ s chosen environmentally friendly weed control product supplier since 2015 , with their range of hot water weed control products .
Road Legal Powered Waterers
Estate & Garden Waterers
Ref : HBU1200ATE
Hanging Basket Waterers
Their range of manual and mounted machines are the most established and effective non-chemical weed control solution for all budgets and operations . Each unit works by delivering a low-pressure treatment at an optimum temperature of 98 ° to completely kill the root of the weed , with moss and crassula wiped out in just one treatment .
The Weedmaster-S is powered 100 % by electric and features an integrated wheeled trolley for ease of transportation around grounds , gardens , and public spaces . Designed to be multi-purpose , the unit can be used for high pressure cleansing as well as gum and graffiti removal .
www . multevo . co . uk
Ref : GWU
Mounted Sprayers Towed Sprayers Push Sprayers
Ref : THBW
Ref : 4MPS / 125 Ref : GWCS9 Ref : PSP

Waterers , Bowsers & Sprayers

SCH manufacture a vast selection of robust petrol & electric waterers & sprayers , with capacities from 25L to 2000L .
Contact us today for a FREE brochure featuring over 200 British products , or visit our website to find out more .
01473 328272 • sales @ schsupplies . co . uk • www . schsupplies . co . uk
Look Cool , Stay Cool with Snickers Workwear Summer Topwear
These lightweight , functional tops are designed for work in warmer weather and come in a range of over 50 T- and Polo shirt styles . From the new Khaki to Class 1,2 and 3 High-Vis options , Snickers Workwear has tops and colour choices for those professional tradesmen and women who want to look and stay cool on site this summer .
GPS Guided Piped Drainage Systems : Pitch Construction Bulk Earthworks : Mara 5mtr GPS Grader / Leveler Sand Slitting : GKB Top-Drain : Koro Surfacing Vertidraining Topdressing : Overseeding : Koro Scarify Fertilising : Weed Control : Landscaping
t 01257 255321 e office @ duncanrossltd . co . uk www . duncanrossltd . co . uk SPECIALIST SPORTSTURF CONTRACTOR
Look out for the LiteWork tops , all made from a functional and quick-drying polyester fabric that delivers everyday comfort and UPF40 + protection in sunny weather . They also have a bio based anti-odour finish for cool , ventilating comfort when it ’ s warm on site . Whatever style option you choose , every Snickers Workwear summer top has a streetsmart body-mapping design for a great fit , outstanding functionality and long-lasting comfort – all day , every day .
Getting more information on the Snickers Workwear clothing range is easy . You can call the Helpline on 01484 854788 ; check out www . snickersworkwear . co . uk and or email sales @ hultaforsgroup . co . uk
72 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023