Groundskeeping Journal Issue 17 2023 | Page 44

F grassroots clubs - this period marks the most critical time of the year for sports pitch managers , as it presents an occasion to reset for any modifications from the previous year .

Solutions for the growing world

rom premier league to
F grassroots clubs - this period marks the most critical time of the year for sports pitch managers , as it presents an occasion to reset for any modifications from the previous year .
Sports pitch renovations are essential to maintain a high-quality playing surface for athletes to perform at their best . Renovations can range from simple repairs to complete overhauls of the playing surface , depending on the level of wear and tear , weather conditions , and usage .
The renovation process usually involves several stages , starting with an assessment of the pitch ’ s current condition . This can include analysing the drainage system , soil structure , grass cover , and any damage to the surface . The results of this assessment will determine the necessary steps to take , such as aerating , fertilizing , reseeding , or replacing the playing surface altogether .
The renovation process can be timeconsuming and costly , but it is a worthwhile investment in the long run .
Speak to our specialist Winter Sports Area Manager for free technical advice on topdressing , overseeding , nutrition and pitch marking . Let ’ s be mindful of the young plant when adding nutrition and ensure that the plant can utilize most of the applied nutrients . This approach not only saves costs but also minimizes environmental harm .
Along with mowing , an essential operation at this time of year , the following end of season operations will be carried out :
• Aeration to de-compact the pitch .
• Repair worn areas .
• Top dressing .
• Seeding / Overseeding .
• Pre-seeding fertiliser application .
• Scarification ( where required ).
• Line Marking
• Irrigation ( where required ).
Obtaining the correct products for your sports turf is important . For further information regarding the various approaches and products to use , call Craig Housley on 07546 307052 or email craig @ eastridingturfcare . co . uk
Say goodbye to the guesswork with a Free Soil Analysis from East Riding Turfcare
East Riding Turfcare can offer a free technical soil analysis to help support your sports turf management programmes , helping to prevent potential problems . Independently analysed , with results accurately assessed through an entire suite of analytical testing , providing an easy-to-understand report and tailored nutrition programme . For further information or to book a site visit please contact us on 01904 608157 or email info @ eastridingturfcare . co . uk
www . eastridingturfcare . co . uk
44 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023